Need ideas on trapping the TAB key

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Need ideas on trapping the TAB key

I would like to use the TAB key to indent multiple lines in a

I trap the TAB key at
 ShellView>>preTranslateKeyboardInput: aMSG

I need to process the Tab key but only if  pressed while in the CHB
workspace.  I have tried testing as follows:

Ideally I want to do this

ShellView>>preTranslateKeyboardInput: aMSG

"My code added after vKey is obtained"
vKey == VK_TAB ifTrue: [
        (self presenter isMemberOf: SmalltalkWorkspace)  ifTrue: [
                self presenter indent.  "Call indent method"

However the presenter is ClassBrowserShell and not SmalltalWorkspace.
Is there anyway I can tell which of the subviews of CHB had focus when
the Tab key was pressed at this point?

I tried to  trap the key in the RichEdit View but by then the line and
the tab key have been processed.



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Re: Need ideas on trapping the TAB key

Stefan Schmiedl
Warning: Non-solution ahead!

On Wed, 12 Jun 2002 20:22:16 GMT,
Costas <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I would like to use the TAB key to indent multiple lines in a
> workspace.

If you're using D5, I'd go for the simple solution
and let the system reformat your code upon accepting.
Then get used to Ctrl-s instead of Tab.


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Re: Need ideas on trapping the TAB key

On 12 Jun 2002 20:37:50 GMT, Stefan Schmiedl <[hidden email]> wrote:

>Warning: Non-solution ahead!
>On Wed, 12 Jun 2002 20:22:16 GMT,
>Costas <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I would like to use the TAB key to indent multiple lines in a
>> workspace.
>If you're using D5, I'd go for the simple solution
>and let the system reformat your code upon accepting.
>Then get used to Ctrl-s instead of Tab.

I prefer my own style of formatting. I like to make it more structured
looking especially when it comes to the brackets. For example I find
this easier to read than the one below.

        a = b ifTrue: [
                b > 1 ifFalse: [
                ] ifTrue: [
                        self at: 1 put:: a.

        a = b
                        [b > 1
                                ifFalse: [b := 0]
                                        [b := 1.
                                        self at: 1 put: a]]].

