Need information on Smalltalk upgrade

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Need information on Smalltalk upgrade


We are currently using MQ Client version 5, with Smalltalk version 7.
Till now we were using XP. So everything went fine. Now we have to
upgrade systems to Windows 7. So we have to upgrade MQ to v 7 or above
and similarly Smalltalk to Version 8.0.1 or above.
Can you help me to know which versions of MQ and Smalltalk can work
together in Windows 7 to get the best output.?
Also I would like to know the action points for upgrading the current
Smalltalk version to the specified version

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Re: Need information on Smalltalk upgrade

Hello Edwin,

We have customers successfully using MQ series version 6 and version 7
with VA Smalltalk version 8. If you choose to use MQ version 7 you
should not allow the use of shared connections (that is, set sharecon
to more than 0)  in the migration.

You should consult our migration guide starting with the known issues
for version 7.0 (
js/html/wwhelp.htm#href=mi/migra700.html) and ending with migration
issues for the version just preceding the version of VA Smalltalk to
which you want to migrate.


On Feb 18, 6:44 am, EDWIN JACOB BABY <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> We are currently using MQ Client version 5, with Smalltalk version 7.
> Till now we were using XP. So everything went fine. Now we have to
> upgrade systems to Windows 7. So we have to upgrade MQ to v 7 or above
> and similarly Smalltalk to Version 8.0.1 or above.
> Can you help me to know which versions of MQ and Smalltalk can work
> together in Windows 7 to get the best output.?
> Also I would like to know the action points for upgrading the current
> Smalltalk version to the specified version

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Re: Need information on Smalltalk upgrade

When iam using MQ client version 6 or 7.1 version with smalltalk
application, its asking for authorization of Alternate profile for my

The reason is that MQ Client Version 6 & 7 assigns MCA User ID from
Window's Logon id instead of using MVS ID, so smalltalk application is
not able to pass thru the security check at MQ z/os(Mainframe).

Can you help me out in understanding why is it using Windows login id?
And how to disable/enable it?
Also how to change it to MVS ID?

This issue was not there when i was using MQ client version 5.

On Feb 22, 1:38 am, Solveig <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello Edwin,
> We have customers successfully using MQ series version 6 and version 7
> with VA Smalltalk version 8. If you choose to use MQ version 7 you
> should not allow the use of shared connections (that is, set sharecon
> to more than 0)  in the migration.
> You should consult our migration guide starting with the known issues
> for version 7.0 (
> js/html/wwhelp.htm#href=mi/migra700.html) and ending with migration
> issues for the version just preceding the version of VA Smalltalk to
> which you want to migrate.
> Regards,
> Solveig
> On Feb 18, 6:44 am, EDWIN JACOB BABY <[hidden email]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > We are currently using MQ Client version 5, with Smalltalk version 7.
> > Till now we were using XP. So everything went fine. Now we have to
> > upgrade systems to Windows 7. So we have to upgrade MQ to v 7 or above
> > and similarly Smalltalk to Version 8.0.1 or above.
> > Can you help me to know which versions of MQ and Smalltalk can work
> > together in Windows 7 to get the best output.?
> > Also I would like to know the action points for upgrading the current
> > Smalltalk version to the specified version

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