Needed hooks to replace ImageSegment and ReferenceStream by Fuel?

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Needed hooks to replace ImageSegment and ReferenceStream by Fuel?

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi guys. Stef/Marcus are proposing to replace ImageSegment and RefenceStream by Fuel. Maybe in Pharo 1.4 or in the future. So, I need help to understand mostly the required "hooks". So far, I am aware of:


1) #comeFullyUpOnReload:  aReferenceStream

This message is sent once the object is read from the stream, at materialization time. We already have this in Fuel and it is called #fuelAfterMaterialization

2) #objectForDataStream: refStrm

This message is sent once the object is going to be written into the stream, at serialization time. The idea is that an object may not serialize itself as it is but something different. Most of the times, it is a DiskProxy, but not necessary.
This doesn't go with the idea of Fuel, where the objects do not decide theirself how to be serialized/materialized but instead delegate to a cluster.

3) #applyConversionMethodsTo: objectIn className: className varMap: varMap

This is for class shape changes. We will have another protocol.

4) #storeDataOn: aDataStream

This message lets an object decide how to be serialized.


a) #startUpFrom: anImageSegment
Almost the same as 1).

So....I am missing more?  opinions?
which of them are really used hooks?

