NeoJSONObject convenience method hint

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NeoJSONObject convenience method hint

Herby Vojčík
newFromAccessors: aCollection ofObject: anObject
        "Performs supplied accessors on anObject
        and returns my instance with accessor -> result pairs."

        ^ self newFrom: (aCollection collect: [ :each | each -> (anObject
perform: each) ])

"I use it for example in this piece of code:
     newFromAccessors: #(good bad)
     ofObject: self dao sumOfAllAnswers

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Re: NeoJSONObject convenience method hint

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2

> On 17 Oct 2017, at 11:46, Herby Vojčík <[hidden email]> wrote:
> newFromAccessors: aCollection ofObject: anObject
> "Performs supplied accessors on anObject
> and returns my instance with accessor -> result pairs."
> ^ self newFrom: (aCollection collect: [ :each | each -> (anObject perform: each) ])
> "I use it for example in this piece of code:
>  NeoJSONObject
>    newFromAccessors: #(good bad)
>    ofObject: self dao sumOfAllAnswers
> "

If (but see further) I would add this kind of functionality, I would go for the following methods in a 'copying' protocol on the instance side (in analogy with Object>>#copyFrom:) :

NeoJSONObject>>#copyFrom: anObject accessors: accessors
        accessors do: [ :each |
                self at: each put: (anObject perform: each) ]

NeoJSONObject>>#copyFrom: anObject instVarNames: instVarNames
        instVarNames do: [ :each |
                self at: each put: (anObject instVarNamed: each) ]

NeoJSONObject>>#copyFrom: aDictionary keys: keys
        keys do: [ :each |
                self at: each put: (aDictionary at: each) ]

NeoJSONObject>>#copyAllInstVarsFrom: anObject
        self copyFrom: anObject instVarNames: anObject class allInstVarNames

Which would allow you to write stuff like:

NeoJSONObject new copyFrom: NeoJSONTestObject2 example1 accessors: #(id height width).

NeoJSONObject new copyFrom: NeoJSONTestObject2 example1 instVarNames: #(id height width).

NeoJSONObject new copyAllInstVarsFrom: NeoJSONTestObject2 example1.

NeoJSONObject new copyFrom: { #id->1. #height->200. #width->100 } asDictionary keys: #(width height).

However, there are a couple of reasons why I am not so enthusiastic.

- You want conversions to/from NeoJSONObject and your domain objects, by creating one for the other, that is exactly why mapping exists: to do this without copying (i.e. directly & more efficiently)
- Mapping is also better because it can be applied to values as well (recursively)
- I would rather put the responsibility of conversion to the domain objects (say in #toNeoJSONObject and #fromNeoJSONObject:)
- I would prefer NeoJSONObject to keep very simple

Just some comments, thinking aloud.
