Nested Editor Components

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Nested Editor Components

Joel Turnbull
I've boiled my question down to this...

What's the best way to have an editor component retain the values of it's input fields, if those values have been changed, and nested components are calling editors of their own?

An example scenario:

I have a customer editor component that has a name input, and a nested phone number report component. Each report row has a phone number, type, and "Add" link. When it is clicked the report component calls and is replaced by a phone number editor component. This is happening within the customer editor.

The problem is that when the phone number editor component is called, the value of the name input field in the customer editor reverts to it's original value if it had been changed. If it had a value of "Lenny" when the form renders, and the user changes the name to "Carl". It changes back to "Lenny" when the user goes to add a phone number.

I get that when the anchor is clicked the form refreshes. So is ajax the answer? Or can I take a different approach with components?

I attached a .mcz of my test case. CustomerReport is the root component.

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