Hi All,
We're having problems with some clients getting WSAENOTCONN errors
when trying to issue successive gets close together. We're using VW7.4
Most clients do not exhibit the problem. The client (3Ghz WinXP) we
can reproduce it on at will has a router between the client and
server. We don't think this of itself is the problem as using Firefox
to navigate to the same site has no problems.
Putting a break anywhere and just hitting resume does not cause the
error so it seems to be something to do with timing.
The following fails on the second (b) get. Setting keepAlive to true
does not give the error. We've checked the executed methods and found
no overrides in the image.
| get |
get := [:x |
| client request |
Transcript cr; show: x.
client := '
http://www.w3.org/Icons/right' asURI newClient.
client keepAlive: false.
request := HttpRequest get: '
client request: request.
client executeAndGetResponse contents.
Transcript clear.
get value: 'a'.
get value: 'b'.
get value: 'c'.
get value: 'd'.
get value: 'e'.
Steve A