Please notice that page 98 related to Sending e-mail messages needs some revisiting.
For insecure message it states:
smtpClient := SMTPClient host: ''.
smtpClient user: (NetUser username: ‘username' password: 'password' ).
smtpClient connect.
[smtpClient login.
smtpClient send: message1.
smtpClient send: message2. ] ensure: [smtpClient quit ].
Where this should be
smtpClient := SMTPClient host: ''.
smtpClient user: (NetUser username: ‘username' password: 'password' ).
smtpClient useAuthentication:false.
smtpClient send: message1.
And were for secure:
client := SMTPClient new.
client user: (NetUser username: ‘username' password: 'password').
client hostName: '' portNumber: '9090'.
client useSecureConnection.
[ client connect ] on: Security.X509.SSLBadCertificate do:
[ :ex | ex proceed].
client send: self message
Which should be:
smtpClient := SMTPClient host: ''.
smtpClient user: (NetUser username: ‘username’ password: 'password' ).
smtpClient send: message1.
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