New CHB/SB mode controls

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New CHB/SB mode controls

Bill Schwab

The new instance/class mode controls in the the SB and CHB have been
bothering me, and I just realized why: they "work backwards".  They look
like push-to-toggle buttons, so in that respect, it's correct for the
selected mode to appear depressed.  The snag is that the other tab controls
(method/definition/comment, and class list/hierarchy on the SB) appear as
more taditional tab views, which present their selected item as raised.
Adding to the confusion, when the buttons are depressed, they almost look
grayed out, adding to the suggestion that the other mode is in fact

It would be better to use the same widget throughout; either will be fine as
long as it's consistent.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: New CHB/SB mode controls

Blair McGlashan
"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> Blair,
> The new instance/class mode controls in the the SB and CHB have been
> bothering me, and I just realized why: they "work backwards".  They look
> like push-to-toggle buttons, so in that respect, it's correct for the
> selected mode to appear depressed.  The snag is that the other tab
> (method/definition/comment, and class list/hierarchy on the SB) appear as
> more taditional tab views, which present their selected item as raised.
> Adding to the confusion, when the buttons are depressed, they almost look
> grayed out, adding to the suggestion that the other mode is in fact
> selected.
> It would be better to use the same widget throughout; either will be fine
> long as it's consistent.

Actually it was only really an experiment. The problem with the tabs is that
(as Ian has noticed) with XP look and feel the fact that the mode switch is
not really a tab view, and so it appears somewhat disconnected. The buttons
are actually still a tab view, but in push button mode. I've never seen
these used in an application, and they do behave rather strangely,
particularly in response to attempts at keyboard navigation.

