Hi Folks,
I finished the migration to FileMan. I removed the FileDirectory and
DirectoryEntry hierarchies. I also removed a few rather ambiguous
creation methods in StandardFileStream. Please update your packages and
code accordingly. FileMan is so much nicer to use! Especially, prefer
#writeStream: and #readStream: methods, that do the close for you (even
in the presence of errors, etc).
There might be details that still need tweaking. Let's go into a
stabilization phase with this. When we are all happy, we can call it
Cuis 5.0.
Cuis keeps showing us that constant cleaning and simplification enables
this kind of deep changes and evolution. This is so much better than
simply adding yet-another-API-for-doing-the-same-thing, as other
Smalltalk environments are forced to do!
Juan Vuletich
Cuis mailing list
[hidden email]