New Crowdfunding Campaign

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New Crowdfunding Campaign


Please spread the word of this campaign as far and as wide as you can. Even though I've allowed for 30 days, we only have a few days to gather enough backers because crowdfunding campaigns tend to lose momentum very quickly, unless I can keep it alive through social media. I'll try my best, but it may not be enough. 

Also, since I'm no longer registered at any of the other Smalltalk forums here (such as Pharo, Cincom, ESUG, etc.), could someone please post my Kickstarter campaign in those forums, too? Thanks. 

This is my last, best hope for securing funding for the competition. If it is successful, it will serve as a model for other similar competitions in other countries. I will also be able to play it up in the press. This is my strategy for promoting Smalltalk.

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