New Dolphin Goodie - AlmostAnsiSubstrings

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New Dolphin Goodie - AlmostAnsiSubstrings

Bob Jarvis
I've put a new goodie up on my site
( which
almost-but-not-quite implements the ANSI version of
String>>subStrings: correctly.  In the base image String>>subStrings:
behaves in a non-standard way when the argument to this method is a
String.  AlmostAnsiSubstrings preserves this non-standard behavior,
but implements correct-per-the-standard behavior when the argument to
String>>subStrings: is any sort of SequenceableCollection *except*
String.  Thus

        '-+abc-def-+ghi+-' subStrings: '-+'

incorrectly (based on the ANSI definition of 'correct' behavior - see
section of the ANSI Smalltalk standard) answers

        #('' 'abc-def' 'ghi+-')


        '-+abc-def-+ghi+-' subStrings: '-+' asArray

correctly (based on the ANSI definition of 'correct') answers

        #('abc' 'def' 'ghi')

The new goodie is called AlmostAnsiSubstrings.  Share and enjoy.