New inspector news :)

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New inspector news :)

Stéphane Ducasse

It is fixed in the last version of NewInspector (on squeaksource).

I removed from ProtoObject the calls to methods defined only in Object. I have to replace the calls by a default behavior: there is no way to inspect inst vars of a subclass of ProtoObject (and not Object).

But NewInspector is designed to be extensible by anyone. For example, take a new class Proxy inheriting from ProtoObject with an instance variable named #object. You can firstly redefine the label redefining the method niLabel in the Proxy class (instance side):

^ 'Proxy on: ' , object niLabel

But you can also add a child for inspecting the inst var object with a label beginning by 'Object: ', redefining the method niConfiguration:

^ super niConfiguration
addLast: [:obj | object asNINode label: 'Object: ' , object niLabel; yourself];

Note that the parameter obj of the block must be written but it is not really used. I must remove it in a next version of NewInspector. Write it and forget it :)

The description (in the right pane) and the icon (between the triangle and the name of a node in the tree) can be also redefined. See the implementors of niLabel, niConfiguration, niDescription and niIcon for examples.



Bien à toi,

Frédéric Pluquet
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

2010/5/13 Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]>

peut etre que si la superclass est pas Object
alors instVArNamed: doit etre evite je ne sais pas en fait.


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