New shape, bug

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New shape, bug



There was a strike in Lille, and I admit it's not that easy to work home, it's far more easy to sleep in the sofa.

I have made a new shape anyway : ROArc, its an arc of a sixth of circle, maybe we can script it to choose the another shape (1/4, 1/2 ...).


Gofer new
    smalltalkhubUser: 'MathieuDehouck' project: 'RoassalAlgorithm';
    package: 'Roassal-New';


You can try:


"Source code: ROExample>>expandableNodesOn:"
"Preambule. It includes the initialization. "
| view rawView layout |
rawView := ROView new.
view := ROMondrianViewBuilder view: rawView.

    layout:= ROVerticalCompactTree new.

    view shape circle size: 15 .
    view nodes: (Collection withAllSubclasses).
    view edgesFrom: #superclass.
    layout userDefinedEdges: view edges.
    view layout: layout.
    layout verticalGap: 70; horizontalGap: 30.
    view applyLayout.
        view nodes do: [ :f | (layout childrenFor: f) do: [ :t | (t model inheritsFrom: f model) ifTrue: [ t model methodDict keysDo: [ :k | (f model methodDict includesKey: k) ifTrue: [ view edgeFromAssociation: f model ->t model ]  ] ] ] ].
    view edges do: [ :e | e - ROLine + (ROArc new color: (Color r: 0 g: 1 b: 0.5 ); width: 2) ].
    layout userDefinedEdges do: [ :e | e - ROArc + ((ROLine new) color: (Color r: 1 g: 0 b: 0 ); width: 2 ) ].
    view shape: (ROBezierCurve orthoVertical new color: (Color r: 0.9 g: 0.8  b: 0 ); width: 2 ) .
    view edgeFromAssociation: (view nodes at: 1) model ->(view nodes at: 33) model.
    view edgeFromAssociation: (view nodes at: 5) model ->(view nodes at: 45) model.
    view edgeFromAssociation: (view nodes at: 8) model ->(view nodes at: 36) model.
"Below is the initiation of the menu and opening the visualization"
ROEaselMorphic new populateMenuOn: view.
view open.




And you'll see that when we set a new shape in the easel, only the next edge is affected.


In this example red edges represent inheritance, green arcs represent overriding on parent's methods, and the 3 other are just for test purpose.

And we noticed that only one  of the three is drawn in yellow, the two other are in straight grey.

And I think, we got the same problem when defining multiple edges at the same time, only the first take the newly set shape.





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Re: New shape, bug



There is a : " self unsetShape " at the end of edgeFromAssociation: and of other methods such as rawEdgesToAll: ...

Is it necessary ?

Wouldn't it be more natural to have something like : " view shape default " ?

So that we can apply our shape to several edges ?

Well I know that we can do it with edgesFromAssociations: , but I wonder if it's necessary to reset the shape after adding edges.





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Re: New shape, bug

Tudor Girba-2
Yes, it is important to reset the shape after every edge or node creation command.


On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 11:47 AM, <[hidden email]> wrote:


There is a : " self unsetShape " at the end of edgeFromAssociation: and of other methods such as rawEdgesToAll: ...

Is it necessary ?

Wouldn't it be more natural to have something like : " view shape default " ?

So that we can apply our shape to several edges ?

Well I know that we can do it with edgesFromAssociations: , but I wonder if it's necessary to reset the shape after adding edges.





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Re: New shape, bug



Is it because the same attribute shape is used also for nodes and for edges ?

If yes, why using the same shape for two different kind of elements ?




Yes, it is important to reset the shape after every edge or node creation command.

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Re: New shape, bug

In reply to this post by MathieuDehouck
hi Mathieu,

I have made a new shape anyway : ROArc, its an arc of a sixth of circle, maybe we can script it to choose the another shape (1/4, 1/2 ...).

Thanks for ROArc. It will soon appear in the mainstream. 

And we noticed that only one  of the three is drawn in yellow, the two other are in straight grey.

And I think, we got the same problem when defining multiple edges at the same time, only the first take the newly set shape.

This is a decision that we have deliberately taken when defining Mondrian. The point you are making is interesting because you are not the first one to mention it.
So, the script:

view shape circle size: 30.
view nodes: (1 to: 3).
view shape line color: Color red.
view edgesFromAssociations: { 1 -> 2 }.
view edgesFromAssociations: { 2-> 3 }.

Should produce the following:


Alexandre Bergel

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Re: New shape, bug

In reply to this post by MathieuDehouck
You probably want to have at the end of the script mondrian:

assocs := OrderedCollection new.
assocs add: (view nodes at: 1) model ->(view nodes at: 33) model.
assocs add: (view nodes at: 5) model ->(view nodes at: 45) model.
assocs add: (view nodes at: 8) model ->(view nodes at: 36) model.
    view edgesFromAssociations: assocs.

Nice rendering:


On May 17, 2013, at 4:52 AM, [hidden email] wrote:


There was a strike in Lille, and I admit it's not that easy to work home, it's far more easy to sleep in the sofa.

I have made a new shape anyway : ROArc, its an arc of a sixth of circle, maybe we can script it to choose the another shape (1/4, 1/2 ...).

Gofer new 
    smalltalkhubUser: 'MathieuDehouck' project: 'RoassalAlgorithm';
    package: 'Roassal-New';

You can try:


"Source code: ROExample>>expandableNodesOn:"
"Preambule. It includes the initialization. "
| view rawView layout |
rawView := ROView new.
view := ROMondrianViewBuilder view: rawView.

    layout:= ROVerticalCompactTree new.

    view shape circle size: 15 .
    view nodes: (Collection withAllSubclasses).
    view edgesFrom: #superclass.
    layout userDefinedEdges: view edges.
    view layout: layout.
    layout verticalGap: 70; horizontalGap: 30.
    view applyLayout.
        view nodes do: [ :f | (layout childrenFor: f) do: [ :t | (t model inheritsFrom: f model) ifTrue: [ t model methodDict keysDo: [ :k | (f model methodDict includesKey: k) ifTrue: [ view edgeFromAssociation: f model ->t model ]  ] ] ] ].
    view edges do: [ :e | e - ROLine + (ROArc new color: (Color r: 0 g: 1 b: 0.5 ); width: 2) ].
    layout userDefinedEdges do: [ :e | e - ROArc + ((ROLine new) color: (Color r: 1 g: 0 b: 0 ); width: 2 ) ].
    view shape: (ROBezierCurve orthoVertical new color: (Color r: 0.9 g: 0.8  b: 0 ); width: 2 ) .
    view edgeFromAssociation: (view nodes at: 1) model ->(view nodes at: 33) model.
    view edgeFromAssociation: (view nodes at: 5) model ->(view nodes at: 45) model.
    view edgeFromAssociation: (view nodes at: 8) model ->(view nodes at: 36) model.
"Below is the initiation of the menu and opening the visualization"
ROEaselMorphic new populateMenuOn: view.
view open.


And you'll see that when we set a new shape in the easel, only the next edge is affected.

In this example red edges represent inheritance, green arcs represent overriding on parent's methods, and the 3 other are just for test purpose.

And we noticed that only one  of the three is drawn in yellow, the two other are in straight grey.

And I think, we got the same problem when defining multiple edges at the same time, only the first take the newly set shape.



<test shape.png>_______________________________________________
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Alexandre Bergel

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Re: New shape, bug

In reply to this post by abergel
By the way, is your ROArc finished? Do you think it is ready to be included in the mainstream of Roassal. It looks like, but I prefer to ask before.
I am now processing your force based layout (sorry, I am late on this, I know :-)


On May 17, 2013, at 9:59 AM, Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]> wrote:

> hi Mathieu,
>> I have made a new shape anyway : ROArc, its an arc of a sixth of circle, maybe we can script it to choose the another shape (1/4, 1/2 ...).
> Thanks for ROArc. It will soon appear in the mainstream.
>> And we noticed that only one  of the three is drawn in yellow, the two other are in straight grey.
>> And I think, we got the same problem when defining multiple edges at the same time, only the first take the newly set shape.
> This is a decision that we have deliberately taken when defining Mondrian. The point you are making is interesting because you are not the first one to mention it.
> So, the script:
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> view shape circle size: 30.
> view nodes: (1 to: 3).
> view shape line color: Color red.
> view edgesFromAssociations: { 1 -> 2 }.
> view edgesFromAssociations: { 2-> 3 }.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Should produce the following:
> <Screen Shot 2013-05-17 at 9.58.41 AM.png>
> Cheers,
> Alexandre
> --
> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
> Alexandre Bergel
> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.

Alexandre Bergel

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Re: New shape, bug



Yes, it's ready to be used, but the question is :

Do we want to be able to change the curve radius ?

The Roassal algorithm has been changed, so it could be nice, to change it too.





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Re: New shape, bug

> Yes, it's ready to be used, but the question is :
> Do we want to be able to change the curve radius ?

Ideally yes.

> The Roassal algorithm has been changed, so it could be nice, to change it too.

I am not sure to understand this. Which algorithm are you referring to?

Alexandre Bergel

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Re: New shape, bug


Le 17.05.2013 16:53, Alexandre Bergel a écrit :

Yes, it's ready to be used, but the question is : Do we want to be able to change the curve radius ?
Ideally yes.
The Roassal algorithm has been changed, so it could be nice, to change it too.
I am not sure to understand this. Which algorithm are you referring to?


I mean Roassal-Algorithm package has been changed and it could be add in mainstream.


I use ROElement >> position:  because it's fine more quick than transateTo:.





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Re: New shape, bug

> I use ROElement >> position:  because it's fine more quick than transateTo:.

Yes, I suspected that.  I still  believe we should use translateTo:. The reason is to have only one way to move elements. Having two different ways opens the door to all kind of nasty things.
Now, my job is to make #translateTo: faster, and I have idea about that. I am working on it

Alexandre Bergel

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