New smalltalk website and Smalltalk activities in Barcelona

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New smalltalk website and Smalltalk activities in Barcelona


My name is Jordi Delgado and I am an associate professor at the Software
Dept. of the Technical University of Catalonia
I have translated to Catalan prof. Ducasse's book on the Botsinc system
and I have been giving Botsinc and Smalltalk courses for almost a year now.
The Smalltalk course is now a free elective course in our undergraduate
Computer Science degree at the Barcelona School of Informatics.
You can find information on our activities in the new smalltalk site: 

though the *entire site* is in catalan, not english.
However, it is pretty easy to deduce what we are talking about. The main
purpose of the site is to keep in touch with the local
(small) smalltalk community.
The site is quite simple, but good enough for the purpose it was designed
for. It is powered by Pier 1.0 and Squeak.

We have a quarterly course on Smalltalk based on SBE (
at the Barcelona School of Informatics (, and also, for
free, at a living lab called Citilab (
The Citilab course is open to everybody at no cost, only with the pre-requisite
of some programming experience. And the course is identical to the one given
in the university. Thus, here in Barcelona anyone can learn Smalltalk, it is free.

The slides I use in my lectures are mainly translations of the open-source SBE
course by Prof. Oscar Nierstrasz. I used Squeak to create them, mainly to impress
the students (but with a result clearly inferior to what you get with Powerpoint,
Keynote or Sophie). We also have a weekly seminar on Smalltalk with former students
of the course (see
BTW if any smalltalker comes to Barcelona and wants to get in touch with us, feel
free to contact us.

That's all, just to let you know we exist.



PS: I am sending this to several smalltalk lists. Please, accept my
apologies if you are receiving more than one copy of this message.
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Re: [squeak-dev] A GLASS workshop in the US

Randal L. Schwartz
>>>>> "Prof" == Prof David West <[hidden email]> writes:

Prof> I realize this is not very convenient for most of you, but at least you
Prof> will know that some of us in the US are still trying to promote
Prof> Smalltalk.

I'd love for you to promote Smalltalk.  I am very confused that
you'd use a .doc (Word) file to do it.  Please don't do that again.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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