New to Pharo and working on a small project

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New to Pharo and working on a small project

Pernet Alexis
Hello everyone!

I've rencently started to use Pharo, mostly to work on a project supervised by the rmod research team.
I have already played a bit with the language, and the goal of my project is to create a tool that uses the rules from the critic browser, and is able to have them checked everytime classes and/or methods are modified.

I'm still getting used to Pharo at the moment and not an experienced developper, but i hope i'll be able to do a decent work on that.
And potentially getting interested in the language and keep working on it afterwards too.
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Re: New to Pharo and working on a small project

Sean P. DeNigris
Pernet Alexis wrote
Hello everyone!
Welcome! Keep us posted :)