Hi Folks,
I've just done a commit to our github repo
https://github.com/Cuis-Smalltalk/Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev . A bunch of
updates, a couple of new packages, and an updated image.
One new thing is at update #2217. Now we can call Cuis from bash / DOS
script quite like Python. In addition to the image file, you can pass
arguments with names of features (i.e. packages) to load, and a
Smalltalk script file or just some Smalltalk expression to evaluate.
This is useful for automating the run of tests or the build of images,
or to start servers, or to integrate Cuis code into software done with
some other technology. SUnit reports in XML (Jenkins format) is also
useful for automation.
I also included Dan Norton's contribution on showing a Morph's name with
the halo, and naming those in Layout examples. Thanks Dan!
Juan Vuletich
Ps. Please remember that anytime you find some code that is
undocumented, ugly or broken, you can just fix it or write a nice
comment, and publish the change set. You can email to this mail list, or
to me, or do pull requests if you are comfortable with git.
Cuis mailing list
[hidden email]