Newbie, View Composer question.

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Newbie, View Composer question.

Syver Enstad-3
I am just starting out, so bear with me on this one :-)

 I have a presenter that is a subclass of dialog. I wish to change the
font of the OK and Cancel buttons but the reference view doesn't allow
to do this directly. I am sure that this is peace of cake, but would
much appreciate any pointers. (I managed to get access to these by
mutating the ReferenceView to a ContainerView, but it would be nice to
know if it could be done without mutating too).

Another thing, I've got 4.01.3 Value Edition that comes with DSC by
Ted Bracht. I had some problems when doing FileOut of classes,
installing packages. It seems that these problems only occur after
generating accessors for a class' instance variables. I have to
reinstall a fresh image if I generate the accessors to get FileOut and
installation of packages to work, if I don't generate accessors but
write them myself everything seems to work fine. I am running on Win2k
sp2. Any ideas, what this can be? I am offered a traceback with
Undefined object don't understand triggerEvents (or something close)

Thanks for any help

Vennlig hilsen

Syver Enstad

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Re: Newbie, View Composer question.

Louis Sumberg-2

To your first question, if you want to change the reference view itself, you
can easily edit it in the VC by selecting it and choosing Reference View /
Edit from the context menu.  This will bring up another VC on the reference
view, showing its various elements.  Edit and save it -- the changes will be
made to all views that use that reference view.

If you just want to change the reference view in a single view, then choose
Reference View / Dereference to copy from the context menu.  This will
replace the reference view with the individual elements that make up the
reference view and you can edit them.

-- Louis

"Syver Enstad" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> I am just starting out, so bear with me on this one :-)
>  I have a presenter that is a subclass of dialog. I wish to change the
> font of the OK and Cancel buttons but the reference view doesn't allow
> to do this directly. I am sure that this is peace of cake, but would
> much appreciate any pointers. (I managed to get access to these by
> mutating the ReferenceView to a ContainerView, but it would be nice to
> know if it could be done without mutating too).

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Re: Newbie, View Composer question.

Blair McGlashan
In reply to this post by Syver Enstad-3
"Syver Enstad" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...

> ...
> Another thing, I've got 4.01.3 Value Edition that comes with DSC by
> Ted Bracht. I had some problems when doing FileOut of classes,
> installing packages. It seems that these problems only occur after
> generating accessors for a class' instance variables. I have to
> reinstall a fresh image if I generate the accessors to get FileOut and
> installation of packages to work, if I don't generate accessors but
> write them myself everything seems to work fine. I am running on Win2k
> sp2. Any ideas, what this can be? I am offered a traceback with
> Undefined object don't understand triggerEvents (or something close)

Take a look at the generated accessors and check that they don't override
some important superclass method. Its easy to spot overrides because they
are marked with an up arrow head in the CHB.



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Re: Newbie, View Composer question.

Blair McGlashan
"Blair McGlashan" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:a42vco$1c7hhs$[hidden email]...

> "Syver Enstad" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> news:[hidden email]...
> > ...
> > Another thing, I've got 4.01.3 Value Edition that comes with DSC by
> > Ted Bracht. I had some problems when doing FileOut of classes,
> > installing packages. It seems that these problems only occur after
> > generating accessors for a class' instance variables. I have to
> > reinstall a fresh image if I generate the accessors to get FileOut and
> > installation of packages to work, if I don't generate accessors but
> > write them myself everything seems to work fine. I am running on Win2k
> > sp2. Any ideas, what this can be? I am offered a traceback with
> > Undefined object don't understand triggerEvents (or something close)
> Take a look at the generated accessors and check that they don't override
> some important superclass method. Its easy to spot overrides because they
> are marked with an up arrow head in the CHB.

Following up, it just dawned on me what you must have done. If you
inadvertently auto-generated accessors for the 'events' instance variable in
Model, then you would get symptoms similar to those you describe (i.e.
'UndefinedObject does not understand #triggerEvent:'). If you don't believe
me, then it can easily be reproduced as follows (i) select Model in the CHB
(ii) choose 'events' in the variables pane, (iii) Use 'Generate Accessors'
on the context menu, (iv) Attempt to define a new subclass of model with
Class/New. Be sure not to save the image afterwards!

