Hi Sebastien,
For a site named 'aidademo' try:
SwazooServer singleton removeSite: (AIDASite named: 'aidademo')
You need to send #removeSite: to instance and not a class of
SwazooServer. And because there is only one instance (singleton pattern)
you reach it by 'SwazooServer singleton'.
Yes, that button to remove a site is sooner or later necessary in
Admin->Settings->Sites tab...
Good luck!
Dne 12. 03. 2012 19:24, piše sebastien paquet:
> Hi, I know how to add a site from the workspace but I can't find the right
> way to remove a site. I know that the default has to be registered first
> before you can do anything so I thought about removing it would be the same.
> I tried using : " AIDASite removeSite:'aidademo'. I tried using SwazooServer
> removeSite:'...' . Different other things too. It's funny because I did it a
> couple days ago. But I don't remember what I did exactly. I even thought
> about adding a button next to the sites names in the settings in the admin
> panel, well,next to where it says "Add new website". Thanks in advance.
> --
> View this message in context:
http://forum.world.st/Newbie-question-about-registering-sites-tp4466903p4466903.html> Sent from the AIDA/Web mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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