News from development of Aida 6.0

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News from development of Aida 6.0

Janko Mivšek
Dear all,

Maybe you'll be interested about internals of current development
efforts towards 6.0, so I decided to start a series of posts on that
theme. Please join with comments, questions, suggestions ...

Let me start with explanation of one removal. Yes, removal of one cool
trick but it came out that it caused more harm than good: an override of
 method #doesNotUnderstand in WebApplication.

This override was used to delegate style specific methods from Apps to
appropriate WebStyle. Like pretty popular #pageContentWidth method. But
later we introduced a #style method in WebApplication so you can refer
to your style simply with self style pageContentWith, for instance.

I just finished the cleanup and add 'style' to all such method calls
around. Except for the mentioned #pageContentWidth, which is used so
many times that I rather implement one in WebApplication, which just
delegates it to the style.

That way a debug behavior of our Apps will again be 'normal' and you
won't end up in the style class for every missing method call as you did
now, which it was quite confusing.

A good school: don't follow the cool stuff blindly, better think a bit
of usefulness and side effects before.

Best regards

Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server
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