Nginx serving CSS/Images etc... both ways

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Nginx serving CSS/Images etc... both ways

at the Left hand menu under Apps....

If you click "Zurb Foundation" you see the zurb styling with javascript, css and images served via NGINX 

For example, the CSS is served via a nginx location block...

      location ~* .(css)$ {
	  try_files /zurb/css/$uri /zurb/css/building_blocks/$uri =400;
          expires 1y;
	  sendfile   on;
	  tcp_nopush on;
          default_type text/css;	
          add_header Content-Type: text/css;

However, if you select Apps->Twitter Bootstrap or Apps->JQuery UI  you will see that the css/images/javascript are not served.

This is because they are stored in a FileLibrary(?) internal to the application.

I realize that I *Could*  modify both web apps to use external CSS/Javascript etc....

However, if possible, I would prefer to have NGINX ignore the location ~* .(css) etc when accessing the locations for the apps...

        location /bootstrap {
        location ~* ^/javascript/jquery-ui {

Any pointers greatly appreciated.


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