No Dolphin On UIUC Smalltalk Archive

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No Dolphin On UIUC Smalltalk Archive

Richard A. Harmon
I noticed about a year ago that the UIUC Smalltalk Archive doesn't
have Dolphin in the list of dialects.  I wanted to upload some public
domain Dolphin code, but couldn't (quickly) figure out how to do it as
the www upload form didn't have Dolphin as a dialect option.  I
briefly looked into it but this got lost in the stack of other stuff I
was tackling.

Is there some other site like the UIUC Smalltalk Archive I don't know
about where Dolphineers post code?

If not, do folks think it is worth messing with to get Dolphin in the
list of dialects?

Richard A. Harmon          "The only good zombie is a dead zombie"
[hidden email]           E. G. McCarthy

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Re: No Dolphin On UIUC Smalltalk Archive

Bill Schwab-2

> I noticed about a year ago that the UIUC Smalltalk Archive doesn't
> have Dolphin in the list of dialects.  I wanted to upload some public
> domain Dolphin code, but couldn't (quickly) figure out how to do it as
> the www upload form didn't have Dolphin as a dialect option.  I
> briefly looked into it but this got lost in the stack of other stuff I
> was tackling.
> Is there some other site like the UIUC Smalltalk Archive I don't know
> about where Dolphineers post code?

It's usually done on personal web sites.  OA has a third party library, but,
it's easier for OA and the rest of us if we maintain our own web sites.

> If not, do folks think it is worth messing with to get Dolphin in the
> list of dialects?

The exposure wouldn't hurt.  IIRC, I've never been able to get UUIC's search
engine to work, so it's not the first place I visit.  The Dolphin Wiki can
always use some polishing though, and you can link from it to any site that
you want.  In particular, you can put stuff on a personal web site that
moves around, but have a stable page on the Wiki that you edit to reflect
where the files can be found.

On a different topic, are you "the SIF guy"?  Some time ago, I dropped the
ball on something related to a VW->Dolphin file in problem, and I think it
was you who kindly offered to send me some files.  If there's anything along
those lines that would be helpful, please feel free to send it.  If I have
you confused with somebody else, then feel free to ignore this.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: No Dolphin On UIUC Smalltalk Archive

Richard A. Harmon
I got behind a little in my email and news groups, sorry.

On Wed, 9 May 2001 12:30:32 -0400, "Bill Schwab"
<[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I noticed about a year ago that the UIUC Smalltalk Archive doesn't
>> have Dolphin in the list of dialects.  I wanted to upload some public
>> domain Dolphin code, but couldn't (quickly) figure out how to do it as
>> the www upload form didn't have Dolphin as a dialect option.  I
>> briefly looked into it but this got lost in the stack of other stuff I
>> was tackling.

As I remember Squeak is not listed either.  It has its own site also
at UIUC.

I sent an a couple of emails about adding Dolphin to the contact
person listed on the page, but I assume they are very busy folks, and
I failed to follow up.

>> Is there some other site like the UIUC Smalltalk Archive I don't know
>> about where Dolphineers post code?
>It's usually done on personal web sites.  OA has a third party library, but,
>it's easier for OA and the rest of us if we maintain our own web sites.

My personal site may go away in a couple of months, so I was looking
for a more permanent location.

>> If not, do folks think it is worth messing with to get Dolphin in the
>> list of dialects?
>The exposure wouldn't hurt.  IIRC, I've never been able to get UUIC's search
>engine to work, so it's not the first place I visit.  The Dolphin Wiki can
>always use some polishing though, and you can link from it to any site that
>you want.  In particular, you can put stuff on a personal web site that
>moves around, but have a stable page on the Wiki that you edit to reflect
>where the files can be found.

I think it would also help if there were a few well recognized places
to look for Dolphin stuff.

I think it is useful to have a central location for Smalltalk stuff of
any dialect.  I often spot something useful there when looking for
something else.  There is a lot of great stuff for VW and ST/V in the
UIUC Smalltalk Archive.

>On a different topic, are you "the SIF guy"?  Some time ago, I dropped the
>ball on something related to a VW->Dolphin file in problem, and I think it
>was you who kindly offered to send me some files.  If there's anything along
>those lines that would be helpful, please feel free to send it.  If I have
>you confused with somebody else, then feel free to ignore this.

Yes, I'm "the SIF guy".  I reworked Eric Arseneau's SIF 2.0 to create
a Dolphin package from a SIF file in, and to file out a package in
SIF.  This is for Dolphin 3.0.  My reworked version is now available
for downloading at my new web page location:

I have to get a better understanding of how packages work in Dolphin
4.0 to get them in and out in SIF properly.

I hope there can be common SIF implementation for all dialects.  Eric
Arseneau's excellent SIF 2.0 available now for Dolphin, Squeak, VA,
and VW at:

I've emailed him about the rework and he said he will check it out as
soon as he can.

Richard A. Harmon          "The only good zombie is a dead zombie"
[hidden email]           E. G. McCarthy