Not much to report

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Not much to report

Ted Bracht-2
Hi all,

Even though I've been using D5b2 on an almost daily basis, there's not much
to report from here. Likely not just to do with me not visiting the darkest
corners of D5, but with Andy and Blair building a very stable piece of

I did come across two minor issues though:

1) When I copied a method from a Word document, which used the Courier 12
font, into a CHB and saved it, it did not get reformatted into the default
method font. Moving to other methods in that same CHB, those methods also
showed in Courier 12. Closing the CHB and opening a new one showed the
methods in their normal fonts again.

2) I typically add some test code in the class comment to create an instance
of that class and play around with it a bit (I'm starting to get used to the
test classes now though). When evaluating the code in the class comment, the
dirty flag is set, even if the text is not changed. Therefore most often I
just say ignore changes to the dialog and continue. Now from time to time it
seems as if the dirty flag doesn't get cleared with that dialog, as the
dialog sometimes continues to come up on the next class, even if nothing has
changed. The problem is that I haven't been able to reproduce it, I've got a
suspicion that it has to do with having two CHB's open on the same class
comment and swapping between them, but I'm not sure. Sorry that I can't be
any more clearer, when I come across it again I hope to be able to give you
a more precise condition report.



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Re: Not much to report

Blair McGlashan

"Ted Bracht" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> ...
> I did come across two minor issues though:
> 1) When I copied a method from a Word document, which used the Courier 12
> font, into a CHB and saved it, it did not get reformatted into the default
> method font. Moving to other methods in that same CHB, those methods also
> showed in Courier 12. Closing the CHB and opening a new one showed the
> methods in their normal fonts again.

As far as we have been able to work out, that is one of the many foibles of
the RichEdit control. It seems that it sometimes retains changes to its font
table, and even if one subsequently refreshes the entire RTF content, it
leaves those entries in the font table, and they override the font table in
the RTF.

> 2) I typically add some test code in the class comment to create an
> of that class and play around with it a bit (I'm starting to get used to
> test classes now though). When evaluating the code in the class comment,
> dirty flag is set, even if the text is not changed. Therefore most often I
> just say ignore changes to the dialog and continue. Now from time to time
> seems as if the dirty flag doesn't get cleared with that dialog, as the
> dialog sometimes continues to come up on the next class, even if nothing
> changed. The problem is that I haven't been able to reproduce it, I've got
> suspicion that it has to do with having two CHB's open on the same class
> comment and swapping between them, but I'm not sure. Sorry that I can't be
> any more clearer, when I come across it again I hope to be able to give
> a more precise condition report.

Yes, this sounds likes #32 and/or #482, all manifestations of the same thing
I expect.

