Numerics in Smalltalk

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Numerics in Smalltalk

David Simmons-2
"Ian Upright" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> "David Simmons" <[hidden email]> wrote:
> >Actually, it gets weirder.
> >
> >    (-33 // 2).    "" Answers -17
> >    (-33 // -2).   "" Answers 16
> That is interesting.  So I thought I'd confirm to see what other
> do.  VW, VSE, VA, Dolphin, MT, Smalltalk/X and Squeak, all give the same
> results as above.  It might be argued to be broken, but I bet a lot of
> existing code depends on it being this way.

The reason, now that I have investigated this further is their "//" integral
division is not doing the obvious/intuitive thing.

I.e., there are four ways to perform conversion of number into an integer.

a) truncation

b) rounding towards zero.

c) rounding towards negative infinity [aka "floor"].

d) rounding towards positive infinity [aka "ceiling"].

I have always presumed that "//" integer division meant "divide and
truncate". But apparently, other Smalltalks implement it as "divide and
round towards negative infinity".

-- Dave S. []

> Ian

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Re: Numerics in Smalltalk

Blair McGlashan
"David Simmons" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> "Ian Upright" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> news:[hidden email]...
> > "David Simmons" <[hidden email]> wrote:
> >...
> I have always presumed that "//" integer division meant "divide and
> truncate". But apparently, other Smalltalks implement it as "divide and
> round towards negative infinity".

Ah, we made the same mistake when we originally implemented integer division
in Dolphin, but it is specified in both the Blue Book, IBM's Red Book, and
(most recently) by the ANSI standard as truncating towards negative infinity
rather than zero. To a C programmer (like me at the time), truncation toward
zero was the most intuitive thing to do, and it is easier to implement, but
it has nicer properties the way it works in Smalltalk.



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Re: Numerics in Smalltalk

Jan Theodore Galkowski-2
Blair McGlashan wrote:

> "David Simmons" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> news:[hidden email]...
> > "Ian Upright" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> > news:[hidden email]...
> > > "David Simmons" <[hidden email]> wrote:
> > >...
> > I have always presumed that "//" integer division meant "divide and
> > truncate". But apparently, other Smalltalks implement it as "divide and
> > round towards negative infinity".
> Ah, we made the same mistake when we originally implemented integer division
> in Dolphin, but it is specified in both the Blue Book, IBM's Red Book, and
> (most recently) by the ANSI standard as truncating towards negative infinity
> rather than zero. To a C programmer (like me at the time), truncation toward
> zero was the most intuitive thing to do, and it is easier to implement, but
> it has nicer properties the way it works in Smalltalk.

Indeed, APL provided the same definition of "floor".  MATLAB has both
and TRUNC(.) available.


 Jan Theodore Galkowski                           [hidden email]
 The Smalltalk Idiom           
             "Smalltalk?  Yes, it's really that slick."
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