In ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser-LaurentLaffont.92
Laurent updated OCForOB to OCForOB-ul.5 (according to comment
for issue 3623)
It was updated in #version12:, I would have expected it in
#version123: since Version 1.2.3 IS NEWER than 1.2 and it is
the last one edited by Johan Brichau.
Another confusion:
Version: '1.2' uses 1.2-baseline where "OCForOB-ul.5" is
retrieved from But in Pharo Task forces there is only an old "OCForOB-GuillermoPolito.4"
Version: '1.2.3' uses 1.2.1-baseline where "OCForOB-GuillermoPolito.4" is
retrieved from Confusion
The "1.2-beta2" of ConfigurationOfPharo (used to build the 1.2dev image)
still uses the OCompletion 1.2.2. instead of the 1.2.3
Last package for OCForOB that I can find is "OCForOB-ul.5"
and I think it should be used? So what is the state here?
I propose:
a) The "OCForOB-GuillermoPolito.4" is obsolete in Version: '1.2.3'
of ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser and should be exchanged to
"OCForOB-ul.5" too
=> change the 1.2.1-baseline back to use the OCompletion repo
instead of PharoTaskForces
=> change the 1.2.3 version to use "OCForOB-ul.5"
b) As a second step ConfigurationOfPharo version 1.2-beta2 should
then use ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser version 1.2.3 since this is
the newest and we see problems in Hudson
c) Dont know why there is still a 1.2 version of ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser
marked as #development when there is already a 1.2.3 version
marked as #development
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