ODBC question - could not coerce arguments

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ODBC question - could not coerce arguments


Hello Everyone!

I'm facing a problem with ODBC which may be related with character encoding.

From the debugger, it is:

'Could not coerce arguments' , error message is caught here:

    "Raise an error after a failed call to an external function"
    | errCode |
    errCode := ExternalFunction getLastError. "this allows us to look at the actual error code"
    ^self error: (ExternalFunction errorMessageFor: errCode).

The SQL command is (runs well in SQL Server manager):

update gcp_users SET
user_name='VERGA Veszprémi Erdőgazdaság Zrt.',
user_city='8200 Veszprém',
user_profession='Jutasi u. 10.'
user_email='[hidden email]' AND

The sql statement above is copied from the debugger as well, caught here:

sqlExecDirect: queryString
    connection checkSQLReturn: (ODBCLibrary default
        sqlExecDirect: handle statement: queryString length: queryString size
    ) statement: handle.

being as the querystring, class WideString (!?).

I'm trying also to convert it to CP1250 (which has all the characters I need, actually data comes from a CP1250 txt file and converts well into pharo system) but it also results in a WideString object.. Example:

(CP1250TextConverter new convertFromSystemString: 'űáőí')    --> shows WideString in debugger.

I think CP1250 should result in a ByteString...

Is this the problem (could not coerce arguments).
