Alistair Grant and I, with the support of Feenk, have made GitHub repositories
for OSProcess and CommandShell at: did the conversions using Peter Uhn??k's migration tool, and I set up
the repositories so that they can now be loading in Pharo as follows:
Metacello new
repository: 'github://dtlewis290/OSProcess-Tonel/src';
baseline: 'OSProcess';
Metacello new
repository: 'github://dtlewis290/CommandShell-Tonel/src';
baseline: 'CommandShell';
Note, the two respositories are named *-Tonel because I also maintain a GitHub
repository for OSProcess on Cuis, and will probably do repositories in Squot
format in the future.
@Thierry Goubier - If you have an account on GitHub I will add you as a
collaborator (but my own development work remains on squeaksource so I prefer
contributions there anyway).
Dave and Alistair