On Fri, 5 Nov 2010, sergio_101 wrote:
>> Is that Pharo 1.1.1 or Pharo 1.2? If it's Pharo 1.2, are you using
>> eCompletion or OCompletion?
> Pharo-1.1-11411
> Latest update: #11411
> not sure how to tell which completion i am using....
In that case you're using OCompletion. If you load it's latest version, it
should be significantly faster. Here's a script for loading it:
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'OCompletion';
package: 'Ocompletion';
This solves all but two bottlenecks (which are related to Shout). One of
them can be fixed by filing in this patch:
http://leves.web.elte.hu/squeak/SystemDictionary.ul.1.csHere's a script to do it:
http://leves.web.elte.hu/squeak/SystemDictionary.ul.1.cs' asUrl
retrieveContents contentStream fileInAnnouncing: 'Loading...'.
I'm working on the solution for the last bottleneck (which occurs when
your code doesn't look like Smalltalk code at all, or when it sends
several unimplemented messages), but that probably doesn't bite you at