Hello everyone!
This is a bit off-topic but I thought it may interest some of you!
A few weeks ago I got interested in making simple 'clicky' games that could be played on Android, mostly for my daughter. After looking around, I found LibGDX for Java, which runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, web...
Of course, at one point I got fed up with Java and decided to look for a tiny Smalltalk that I could embed inside my game, to save me the trouble of writing Java code. And I found the software mentioned in the topic. Most of you have probably heard of at least the first one.
Long story short, I mixed SmallWorld, SmallWorld 2007 and Athena, fixed a couple of bugs, hacked enough support it to allow me to rewrite in Smalltalk the demo game I had written in Java, added some classes and convenience methods, and finally found what I consider to be a cool name for all of it: Gossip :)
Here are some links:
Feel free to yell at me or whatever :D