OT Tools for remote browsing/debugging (Was: Re: OTChasingInspector preview)

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OT Tools for remote browsing/debugging (Was: Re: OTChasingInspector preview)

Igor Stasenko
2009/3/5 Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]>:

> I made a blood sacrifice to the OB gods yesterday and they led me to an acceptable (initial) implementation of a chasing inspector:)
> The code is in OB-Tools-dkh.66 (make sure you've loaded OmniBrowser-dr.442 as well). It'll need a couple more sacrifices to the OB gods before it's really ready (primarily reducing the text pane screen real estate), but you can take it for a spin, if you're interested:
>    OTChasingInspector openOn: {
>        #key->('Smalltalk'->Smalltalk).
>        Dictionary with: #blue->'1' with: #green->'2' }.
> I'll be using it in GLASS, but if there's interest in a Pharo/Squeak version I'll make sure to keep it up to snuff.
> Dale

Dale, i wanted to ask you, how easy OB-Tools could be targeted to make
own remote debugger/browser?
And is your code free for use (under MIT)?
I'm just considering the how much of my blood could take to implement
these tools for use them in Hydra... :)

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Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: OT Tools for remote browsing/debugging (Was: Re: OTChasingInspector preview)


----- "Igor Stasenko" <[hidden email]> wrote:

| Dale, i wanted to ask you, how easy OB-Tools could be targeted to
| make
| own remote debugger/browser?
| And is your code free for use (under MIT)?
| I'm just considering the how much of my blood could take to implement
| these tools for use them in Hydra... :)


OB-Tools is under the MIT license - all of the hard work was done by Lukas.

For GLASS, the work involved adapting the debugger commands to the GemStone Process/Context model. In GLASS, the debugger runs on the server-side and we use Morphic on the client-side to display all of the OB windows, so it wasn't necessary to anything (okay just a bit of process fiddling:) to get the Debugger windows to display on the remote client.

For Hydra, I would think that remote access to the process/context model would be the ticket - and this would be straightforward with the OTDebugger. With that said, I'm not too familiar with the inter-vm communication model.

If I had another debugger to do, I would definitely start with the OTDebugger:)


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