[Offtopic] Self 4.4 released

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[Offtopic] Self 4.4 released

Geert Claes
Russell Allen wrote
Dear all,

Forgive the off-topic email :)

I would like to announce the release of version 4.4 of the Self environment.

Self is a prototype-based dynamic object-oriented programming language, environment, and virtual machine centred around the principles of simplicity, uniformity, concreteness, and liveness.

Self includes a programming language, a collection of objects defined in the Self language, and a programming environment built in Self for writing Self programs. The language and environment attempt to present objects to the programmer and user in as direct and physical a way as possible. The system uses the prototype-based style of object construction.

Self is the canonical prototype based language within the Smalltalk family.  It is open source under a BSD-like licence and includes a fast VM and a development environment built on the original Morphic GUI that Squeak's Morphic is a descendent of.  

Changes in release 4.4 include:
- an improved Quartz based backend for the MacOS X version and
- a working port of Self to Linux (x86);
- various bug fixes and general improvements.

You can download Self from the website at http://selflanguage.org/ in binary form and all sources are available either by running Self or at http://github.com/russellallen/self/

Documentation includes the Self Handbook at http://docs.selflanguage.org and a large number of published papers on Self at http://selflanguage.org/documentation/published/

You can keep up to date with Self by following either the Self blog at http://blog.selflanguage.org or joining the Self mailing list - details at http://selflanguage.org/discuss/ and archive at http://forum.selflanguage.org

Yours selfishly,
