Omnibase mark dirty?

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Omnibase mark dirty?

I read this comment about OmniBase:

Is it relevant today?

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Re: Omnibase mark dirty?

Sebastián Sastre
OmniBase usually need to actively send the markDirty to persistent
objects. Can you elaborate your doubts? What do you want to know?


Griff escreveu:

> I read this comment about OmniBase:
> Is it relevant today?

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Re: Omnibase mark dirty?

> Sebastián wrote:
> OmniBase usually need to actively send the markDirty to persistent
> objects. Can you elaborate your doubts? What do you want to know?

I haven't got doubts, I am just interested in learning more about what
people think about OmniBase. I've never used it myself. I've read all
of the online documentation for Omnibase, but never spoken to anyone
else who has used it. While browsing for articles, comments, or reviews
of OmniBase; I only found the article listed above.

I would like to know if that article is relevant to OmniBase today. Why
may the author feel that OmniBase needs the feature about which he