On the fly Code loading on VAST runtime

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On the fly Code loading on VAST runtime

Ajaya Ghosh



I have a thick client VAST application running on user desktops; I would like to know the possibility for updating the existing runtime image file (*.icx) with some patches.

I have read an article for VW patch delivery http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/blog/blogView?showComments=true&entry=3324276899 which seems to be similar approach that I am looking for.

Would it be possible to implement a similar feature for VAST application?


Thanks & Regards

  Ajaya Ghosh A.S.

  Cell:- 91-9972454614

  Email:- [hidden email]


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Re: On the fly Code loading on VAST runtime

You can easily have file(s) of VA Smalltalk code in the base runtime location ( or a subfolder ). Load the code with:
filesEncryptedSourceStringCollection := AllFiles collect: [ :eaFile | eaFile getEncryptedSourceString ].
filesEncryptedSourceStringCollection do: [ :sourceString |
      EsCompiler compile: sourceString decrypted ].
with all needed error handling as it can fail for n reasons to load and crash the system. Protect this with as much dilligence you can to prevent malicious / or in advertent issues causing the failures to occur.

On Wednesday, January 30, 2013 11:32:50 PM UTC+5:30, Ajaya Ghosh wrote:



I have a thick client VAST application running on user desktops; I would like to know the possibility for updating the existing runtime image file (*.icx) with some patches.

I have read an article for VW patch delivery http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/blog/blogView?showComments=true&entry=3324276899 which seems to be similar approach that I am looking for.

Would it be possible to implement a similar feature for VAST application?


Thanks & Regards

  Ajaya Ghosh A.S.

  Cell:- 91-9972454614

  Email:- <A href="javascript:" target=_blank gdf-obfuscated-mailto="2pvyvBXmfmcJ">ghoshajayaghosh@...


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