OnMoose report

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OnMoose report

Tudor Girba-2

The OnMoose Report is created using Arki based on a FAMIX model of the Moose code.

The report contains concerns that are checked. Technically, the checkers are similar to SmallLint, but they differ significantly in the way they are (typically) used. The idea is to treat them as specific tests, rather as generic rules. Essentially, it is about living the idea of humane assessment.

The report is executed after each successful Moose build and it is here:
(You can also download the image and look at the already built report)

There are only a few rules at the moment, but I would like to see it growing :).

To run it in your Moose image, you can do:
Gofer new
        squeaksource: 'Arki';
        package: 'OnMoose-Report';

And then:
| report |
MooseScripts createModelForConfigurationOfMoose.
report := OnMooseReport on: MooseModel root allModels last.
report open.
REPHudson runOn: report spec.



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