One more project for GSoc 2012

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One more project for GSoc 2012

One more project idea for Smalltalk GSoC 2013.


Title: Phratch, a port of Scratch to Pharo 2.0

Level: intermediate

Possible mentor: Jannick Laval

Possible second mentor: Serge Stinckwich

Description: Phratch ( is an
ongoing port of Scratch and BYOB on Pharo 2.0. The current prototype
is still suffering from a lot of bugs. Part of the work will be to add
unit tests to the existing project. Even if this is a port to Pharo,
we will try to build a new version that is flavor-independent.
The long term objective of Phratch is to be able to use it for
teaching software engineering and robotics.

Technical Details: Pharo and some knowledge of Squeak

Benefits to the Student: Student will participate to a very cool project.

Benefits to the Community: Scratch will be rebuild on top of a modern
Smalltalk version and will benefit from lastest development in the
core library and VM.


Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk