One to watch out for!

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One to watch out for!

Blair McGlashan
I'd like to bring an issue to your attention that we've discovered. The new
literal filer has a flaw whereby the object networks it deserialises will
end up referring to ByteArrays in the literals of the source method. This is
not a problem, unless the resulting byte arrays are "mutated", because that
will end up modifying all other deserialised instances, as well as the
source literal. One manifestation of this will become very obvious if you
use "large fonts" on Windows. I'd guess nobody does, or this would have been
reported already. What happens is that each time you open a dialog it will
get larger. So for example if you open a prompter to find a class it will
get progressively larger and larger (in 30% increments) each time. If you
test this out for a bit of fun, don't save the image as this will save down
the mutated literal objects.

So if you encounter issues where something is unexpectedly modified, this
bug is a potential cause. Just something to be aware of. I'll probably post
up a simple patch for this pre beta 2 since its not something that can be
worked around and which may have widespread impact.



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Re: One to watch out for!

Osvaldo Aufiero-4
Blair, I posted that already. But I could not replicate it in WXP, it
happenned only in W2k.

"Blair McGlashan" <[hidden email]> escribió en el mensaje
news:[hidden email]...
> I'd like to bring an issue to your attention that we've discovered. The
> literal filer has a flaw whereby the object networks it deserialises will
> end up referring to ByteArrays in the literals of the source method. This
> not a problem, unless the resulting byte arrays are "mutated", because
> will end up modifying all other deserialised instances, as well as the
> source literal. One manifestation of this will become very obvious if you
> use "large fonts" on Windows. I'd guess nobody does, or this would have
> reported already. What happens is that each time you open a dialog it will
> get larger. So for example if you open a prompter to find a class it will
> get progressively larger and larger (in 30% increments) each time. If you
> test this out for a bit of fun, don't save the image as this will save
> the mutated literal objects.
> So if you encounter issues where something is unexpectedly modified, this
> bug is a potential cause. Just something to be aware of. I'll probably
> up a simple patch for this pre beta 2 since its not something that can be
> worked around and which may have widespread impact.
> Regards
> Blair