OopluCon 2016

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OopluCon 2016

John O'Keefe-3
OopluCon 2016
A Day for the Smalltalk Programming Language and its Friends

Sunday 10 April 2016, 8am - 4pm
Location: The Box SF (http://www.theboxsf.com/)

The event is free
A request for presentations will be announced in a future month
A presentation called "An Introduction To Smalltalk" will promoted be to the Ruby, Python and Objective C communities
The latest details will be available at http://www.ooplu.com

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Re: OopluCon 2016

Chris Cunnington-4
You reposted this. Sweet. Thank you for doing that. I just joined to find you'd done my job for me. Much thanks. 


On Monday, 2 November 2015 15:48:53 UTC-5, John O'Keefe wrote:
OopluCon 2016
A Day for the Smalltalk Programming Language and its Friends

Sunday 10 April 2016, 8am - 4pm
Location: The Box SF (<a href="http://www.theboxsf.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;http://www.google.com/url?q\75http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theboxsf.com%2F\46sa\75D\46sntz\0751\46usg\75AFQjCNGI1iRkYqXduNMWNRpQTfyQJDH5HQ&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;http://www.google.com/url?q\75http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theboxsf.com%2F\46sa\75D\46sntz\0751\46usg\75AFQjCNGI1iRkYqXduNMWNRpQTfyQJDH5HQ&#39;;return true;">http://www.theboxsf.com/)

The event is free
A request for presentations will be announced in a future month
A presentation called "An Introduction To Smalltalk" will promoted be to the Ruby, Python and Objective C communities
The latest details will be available at <a href="http://www.ooplu.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;http://www.google.com/url?q\75http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ooplu.com\46sa\75D\46sntz\0751\46usg\75AFQjCNHUMO4EpLmTho7serzPjFX7bhVLtQ&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;http://www.google.com/url?q\75http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ooplu.com\46sa\75D\46sntz\0751\46usg\75AFQjCNHUMO4EpLmTho7serzPjFX7bhVLtQ&#39;;return true;">http://www.ooplu.com

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