Open-Source projects & User groups

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Open-Source projects & User groups

Barry Carr-2
Hello All,

I'm keen to improve my knowledge of Smalltalk esp. Dolphin and I was
wondering if there any open-source projects being under taken using Dolphin
that are looking for extra bodies. I happy to work any type of project.
I've have lots programming experience in other languages (particularly
Delphi) and writing database apps.  CV available on request. If you think I
could be useful, please get in touch.

I was also wondering if there any Smalltalk user groups in the UK, or more
specifically here in eastern Scotland. If there aren't would people be
interested in starting one? If there please let me know and we'll get
something going.


Barry Carr
Ixian Software Components Ltd

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Re: Open-Source projects & User groups

Ted Bracht-2
Hi Barry,

For open source projects, have a look at the stuff in DolphinHarbor

There used to be a UK Smalltalk user group, but I don't think that's very
active anymore. I know of a number of Dolphin users in the UK but afaik
fairly widely spread through the UK. (me being in N-Yorkshire).


"Barry Carr>" <barry@<nospam> wrote in message
> Hello All,
> I'm keen to improve my knowledge of Smalltalk esp. Dolphin and I was
> wondering if there any open-source projects being under taken using
> that are looking for extra bodies. I happy to work any type of project.
> I've have lots programming experience in other languages (particularly
> Delphi) and writing database apps.  CV available on request. If you think

> could be useful, please get in touch.
> I was also wondering if there any Smalltalk user groups in the UK, or more
> specifically here in eastern Scotland. If there aren't would people be
> interested in starting one? If there please let me know and we'll get
> something going.
> Regards
> Barry Carr
> Ixian Software Components Ltd
> Blairgowrie
> Perthsire
> Scotland