[OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Initial port of the B3DAccelerator plugin, plus extra Metal and rendering clean up (#382)

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[OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Initial port of the B3DAccelerator plugin, plus extra Metal and rendering clean up (#382)

David T Lewis

This is the branch with the port of the B3DAccelerator plugin to Metal. Most the examples in Balloon3D are working with this new plugin, after forcing it by modifying:

B3DSceneMorph >> accelerationEnabled
"Return true if hardware acceleration is enabled"
"self accelerationSuspended ifTrue:[^false].
^self valueOfProperty: #accelerationEnabled ifAbsent:[false]"
^ true

Shaders are now compiled in runtime, from source code which is embedded in a C-string.

In addition to these changes, in the last commit I did some refactoring of the Metal VM code. I am copying the message of that commit:

  • I introduced a hack to select the type of rendering view in runtime.
  • I am compiling by again the old core graphics based renderer, but this is only used when the -core-graphics option is passed in the command line.
  • I added dummy headless view, that does not render and stubs most of the event.
  • I added the -metal, -opengl, and -core-graphics command line options for selecting the rendering backend.
  • I am testing the Metal implementation by compiling the shader library. If the shader library compilation fails, then Metal will not be used, and instead OpenGL will be used as a fallback, by default.

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Commit Summary

  • I am starting to reimplement the B3DAcceleratorPlugin using Metal. So far I managed to get a black screen by using the extra layers mechanism,
  • Creating the depth-stencil buffer, and clearing the screen.
  • I am starting to render a bit.
  • I am starting to implement the lighting model in the metal based B3DAcceleratorPlugin.
  • Add a -1 offset to the B3D indices going to Metal.
  • Merge branch 'Cog' into feature/metal_b3d
  • I implemented the Squeak3D lighting model above metal.
  • Merge branch 'Cog' into feature/metal_b3d
  • Merge branch 'Cog' into feature/metal_b3d
  • I introduced a hack to select the type of rendering view in runtime.

File Changes

Patch Links:

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Initial port of the B3DAccelerator plugin, plus extra Metal and rendering clean up (#382)

David T Lewis

When I try and compile on 64-bit (build.macos64x64/squeak.cog.spur; macOS High Sierra 10.13.6; clang --version: Apple LLVM version 7.0.0 (clang-700.1.76) Target: x86_64-apple-darwin17.7.0) I get the following error message:

../../platforms/iOS/vm/OSX/sqSqueakOSXMetalView.m:79:17: error: ARC forbids Objective-C objects in struct

that line is the "texture" declaration in

typedef struct ExtraLayer
id texture;
int x, y;
int w, h;
} ExtraLayer;

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Initial port of the B3DAccelerator plugin, plus extra Metal and rendering clean up (#382)

David T Lewis
In reply to this post by David T Lewis

Not sure if this fits here, but if I download the latest Pharo 7 VM on macOS High Sierra, the VM seems not to start properly, resulting in a black window and:

2019-03-27 11:48:46.282 Pharo[1041:7933912] Pipeline state creation error: Function screenQuadFragmentShader is using language version 2.1 which is incompatible with this OS.

I looked into this a while ago, and there should be some flags to enable Metal 1 compatibility, then we would get at least down to El Capitan support. Adding Metal as required dependency is a non-backwards-compatible change, this should be handled with care (e.g. do we need non-metal builds, archive old non-metal builds for older OSs?).

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Initial port of the B3DAccelerator plugin, plus extra Metal and rendering clean up (#382)

David T Lewis
In reply to this post by David T Lewis

Merged #382 into Cog.

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Initial port of the B3DAccelerator plugin, plus extra Metal and rendering clean up (#382)

David T Lewis
In reply to this post by David T Lewis

Hi @maenu,

can you work with @ronsaldo to look at getting down to El Capitan support?  Right now I'm on High Sierra (10.3) and Metal 2 doesn't even work there-on.

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Initial port of the B3DAccelerator plugin, plus extra Metal and rendering clean up (#382)

David T Lewis
In reply to this post by David T Lewis

I will have a look, maybe @ronsaldo is even at PharoDays next week?

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Initial port of the B3DAccelerator plugin, plus extra Metal and rendering clean up (#382)

David T Lewis
In reply to this post by David T Lewis

Sorry to revive the merged thread, but what is the state on this?

I just built the macOS 64bit Pharo Cog VM on HighSierra, Metal seems to be enabled (-DUSE_METAL=1), and the VM runs my image. But downloading a fresh VM from Pharo downloads gives me 2019-03-27 11:48:46.282 Pharo[1041:7933912] Pipeline state creation error: Function screenQuadFragmentShader is using language version 2.1 which is incompatible with this OS. again.

My current hypothesis is, that the downloaded VM is built on a newer macOS, which removes the compatibility for High Sierra. Anybody knows how this happens and how we could trick a newer macOS in building a VM with a High Sierra compatibility?

The only thing I found to control compatibility is the -mmacosx-version-min, which is 10.7 in my local build. It looks like there is nothing other than this flag to achieve compatibility, see also https://github.com/gfx-rs/gfx/blob/master/src/backend/metal/build.rs.

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Initial port of the B3DAccelerator plugin, plus extra Metal and rendering clean up (#382)

David T Lewis
In reply to this post by David T Lewis

@maenu That is interesting. Did you download that VM from bintray? That also looks like an error from the older version.

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Re: [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Initial port of the B3DAccelerator plugin, plus extra Metal and rendering clean up (#382)

David T Lewis
In reply to this post by David T Lewis

@ronsaldo I got the VM with curl https://get.pharo.org/64/70+vmLatest | bash. Maybe that is not really the latest VM.

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