On 28/04/15 00:03,
[hidden email]
> If I create a sym link in the Plugins directory or copy the dylib to the
> Plugins directory and launch Pharo via the Finder dialog window, it
> fails with "External module not found", so it appears to be how Pharo
> and/or OSX sets it library path when launched as an Application that is
> causing the issue.
Just by chance (have been there before :-( )... Are you starting by
double clicking on the image or on the app (and then choose the image).
I got bitten by something similar where Pharo didn't pick up the
library. Took me some tracing to find out that Mac OS X was using
another VM to start the image than the one I was adding the library to :-)
After starting the image ry something like
$ ps aux | grep Pharo
to verify which VM gets picked. If this doesn't help lsof and
Instruments are your friends :-)