I would like to output the method name as a string in case of an error. what I've already done is this: (with thisContext selector asString) pduDestruct | result | result := call ffiPDUDestruct. result = T_PDU_ERROR PDU_STATUS_NOERROR ifFalse: [ Error signal:'Method: ' , thisContext selector asString , ' with result: ', result item asString ] but now I use it more often. And wanted to rebuild it like that. initialize errorBlock := [ :tPduError | Error signal:'Method: ' , thisContext selector asString , ' with result: ', tPduError item asString ]. pduDestruct | result | result := call ffiPDUDestruct. result = T_PDU_ERROR PDU_STATUS_NOERROR ifFalse: [ errorBlock value: result ] but that doesn't work because "this Context selector toString" now returns 'initialize'. Can someone give me a hint how to solve this? Is "thisContext selector asString" the only way to get the name of the method at runtime? Thanks in advance. -- Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html |
Sorry for the slow response. Perhaps you've already worked it out, but anyway a few options... You "could" pass thisContext as a block parameter initialize errorBlock := [ :tPduError :aContext | Error signal:'Method: ' , aContext selector asString , ' with result: ', tPduError item asString ]. pduDestruct result = T_PDU_ERROR PDU_STATUS_NOERROR ifFalse: [ errorBlock value: result value: thisContext ------------------------------------ But rather I suggest a better option is to separate this logic into its own error class... Error subclass: #PduError ... instanceVariables: 'result selector' PduError class >> result: aResult context: aContext ^ self new initializeResult: aResult selector: aContext selector asString PduError >> initializeResult: aResult selector: selectorString result := aResult. selector := selectorString
PduEror>>messageText as you like - refer to other implementors for example PduError>>printOn: as you like - refer to other implementors for example pduDestruct | result | result := call ffiPDUDestruct. result = T_PDU_ERROR PDU_STATUS_NOERROR ifFalse: [ (PduError
result: aResult context: thisContext) signal ] cheers -ben On Sat, 27 Jun 2020 at 22:56, ASAM <[hidden email]> wrote: Hello, |
Thanks Ben,
in the meantime I come to a solution that looks like your second suggestion. However, I use the already existing method signal: withTag: . pduDestruct | result | result := call ffiPDUDestruct. result = T_PDU_ERROR PDU_STATUS_NOERROR ifFalse: [ DPDiagPduApError signal: thisContext selector asString withTag: result item asString] Although..... I like your solution almost a bit better. What I like about your solution is, that throwing the exception (signal) is somehow easier to see while looking. Thanks ASAM -- Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html |
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