Override ComponentLoadOrder

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Override ComponentLoadOrder

Holger Kleinsorgen-4

I noticed recently that my image contains an undeclared binding that
could not be removed but had no visible references either. After a bit
of hunting, I found out that the binding was referenced in an obsolete
package model that I unloaded a while ago. It was referenced in a shared
variable named ComponentLoadOrder of class Override. This var seems to
be unused, it is never read. Overall it contained 105 package models
that were not contained in the Store registry anymore. Could this thing
be removed?

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Re: Override ComponentLoadOrder

Alan Knight-2
That variable is both unused at the moment and has a bug that it accumulates versions in some circumstances. You can safely empty everything out of it.

At 10:33 AM 10/20/2006, Holger Kleinsorgen wrote:

I noticed recently that my image contains an undeclared binding that could not be removed but had no visible references either. After a bit of hunting, I found out that the binding was referenced in an obsolete package model that I unloaded a while ago. It was referenced in a shared variable named ComponentLoadOrder of class Override. This var seems to be unused, it is never read. Overall it contained 105 package models that were not contained in the Store registry anymore. Could this thing be removed?

Alan Knight [|], Cincom Smalltalk Development

"The Static Typing Philosophy: Make it fast. Make it right. Make it run." - Niall Ross