Owner vs user in SmalltalkHub

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Owner vs user in SmalltalkHub


I have spotted some inconsistencies. Look at the following screenshot:

According to the Monticello registration code, abergel is a user. But the Gofer scripts says that ObjectProfile is a smalltalkhubUser. Should not ObjectProfile be called the owner?

When I click on Contributors, abergel is not listed (and abergel has right to write).

Easy to get lost. 


Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

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Re: Owner vs user in SmalltalkHub

stephane ducasse
you have the project owner which can be a team (composite) and you have the project.


<Screen Shot 2013-03-31 at 12.57.40 AM.png>
According to the Monticello registration code, abergel is a user. But the Gofer scripts says that ObjectProfile is a smalltalkhubUser. Should not ObjectProfile be called the owner?

When I click on Contributors, abergel is not listed (and abergel has right to write).

Easy to get lost. 


Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu