PAI oddity

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PAI oddity

Ian Bartholomew-3
Inspect -

OrderedCollection with: 1@2 with: 3@4 with: 5@6

select the first point in the PAI and choose "Set to nil". The point is set
to nil but it still shows the x and y aspects.


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Re: PAI oddity

Blair McGlashan
"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> Inspect -
> OrderedCollection with: 1@2 with: 3@4 with: 5@6
> select the first point in the PAI and choose "Set to nil". The point is
> to nil but it still shows the x and y aspects.

Thanks Ian, the PAI (and therefore the Flipper inspector) is one of the
areas that is clearly most in need of attention before the release, and I
intend to devote significant time to it next week to ensure that it is
updating correctly and working robustly in the release, with the emphasis
more on the latter at the expense of the former if necessary (after all one
can always fall back on a manual refresh if a structural change is not
reflected correctly).

Another example that people should be aware of is that deleting the last
item of a collection of a node which is not at the root will cause walkbacks
on repaint, e.g.

Array with: (OrderedCollection with: 1)
Select the ordered collection, and using the collection presenter delete its
single element. This should work fine. Now try:

Array with: (OrderedCollection with: 1 with: 2)

When you delete the last element, a 'not found' walkback will occur. The
tree view is being asked to collapse the sub-nodes when the elements are
deleted (or in fact when any update occurs), and for some reason it fails to
do this when the last of more than one child nodes is "removed".
