[PATCH 3/4] cint: Fail the VMpr_CFuncDescriptor_call primitive with wrong args

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[PATCH 3/4] cint: Fail the VMpr_CFuncDescriptor_call primitive with wrong args

Holger Freyther

Instead of crashing the VM we will fail the primitive if a type
can not be converted from Smalltalk to C. The code attempts to
free all data allocated for this primitive.

2011-02-04  Holger Hans Peter Freyther  <[hidden email]>

        * libgst/cint.c: Propagate type conversion failures.

2011-02-04  Holger Hans Peter Freyther  <[hidden email]>

        * UnitTest.st: Verify that the primitive are failing.

Signed-off-by: Holger Hans Peter Freyther <[hidden email]>
 ChangeLog                    |    4 +++
 libgst/cint.c                |   51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 packages/sockets/ChangeLog   |    4 +++
 packages/sockets/UnitTest.st |   15 ++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

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0003-cint-Fail-the-VMpr_CFuncDescriptor_call-primitive-wi.patch (5K) Download Attachment