I've finally added first class shape in my gst repository
https://github.com/GwenaelCasaccio/gst/tree/shape) ,
there are few changes in the packages, it's not merged
in the master branch because I want to polish some parts
(adding a licence, unit test for the shape classes, ...) but
tests are green :-)
a small example:
primDump: anObject [
"Private - Basic code to dump anObject on the stream associated
with the
receiver, without using proxies and the like."
<category: 'private'>
| class shape |
self storeClass: (class := anObject class).
self register: anObject.
class isVariable ifTrue: [self nextPutLong: anObject basicSize].
1 to: class instSize do: [:i | self dump: (anObject instVarAt:
class isVariable ifFalse: [^self].
class isPointers
ifTrue: [^self store: anObject through: [:obj | self dump:
shape := class shape.
shape == #character
ifTrue: [^self store: anObject through: [:char | stream
nextPut: char]].
(shape == #byte or: [shape == #int8])
ifTrue: [^self store: anObject through: [:byte | self
nextPutByte: byte]].
(shape == #short or: [shape == #ushort])
ifTrue: [^self store: anObject through: [:short | self
nextPutShort: short]].
(shape == #int or: [shape == #int])
ifTrue: [^self store: anObject through: [:int | self
nextPutLong: int]].
(shape == #int64 or: [shape == #uint64])
ifTrue: [^self store: anObject through: [:int64 | self
nextPutInt64: int64]].
shape == #utf32
[^self store: anObject through: [:char | self
nextPutLong: char codePoint]].
shape == #float
ifTrue: [^self store: anObject through: [:float | self
nextPutFloat: float]].
shape == #double
[^self store: anObject through: [:double | self
nextPutFloat: double]].
self notYetImplemented
ObjectDumper >>
primDump: anObject [
"Private - Basic code to dump anObject on the stream associated
with the
receiver, without using proxies and the like."
<category: 'private'>
| class |
self storeClass: (class := anObject class).
self register: anObject.
class isVariable ifTrue: [ self nextPutLong: anObject basicSize ].
1 to: class instSize do: [ :i | self dump: (anObject instVarAt:
i) ].
class isVariable ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
^self store: anObject through: [:each | shape save: each
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