[PATCH] Kernel update

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[PATCH] Kernel update

Gwenaël Casaccio

I've made a quite big change in the bootstrap process and the kernel
organization. The bootstrap process is a really nice feature of gnu
and frankly speaking nicely done. But I've always though it can be improved.
Each time I'm looking at the kernel initialization the steps are quite hard
to follow what is the first initialized class, what happens if am applying
a change in the kernel, ... The first step of my change is to do a more
structural kernel initialization, in dict.c, the kernel classes and
are generated (currently just a part and not the full metaclass instance
That's a first difference I generate (with a Smalltalk tool) the full
classes informations
(with the related namespace) so no classes are migrated during the bootstrap
process. The initialization step is done in the Initialization.st file
not really interesting
but the process is easier to understand.

I've also updated the kernel directory trying to follow the one class
one file pattern
and using the class name as the file name :)

All the changes are there : https://github.com/GwenaelCasaccio/gst
feel free to comments or apply the changes.


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Re: [PATCH] Kernel update

Holger Freyther
On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 04:03:34PM +0100, Gwenaël Casaccio wrote:
> Hi,


I think we should resume this after we have released a 3.3 with
a working JIT and usable VisualGST. :)

happy new year!

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