[PATCH] fix GTK+ under Windows

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[PATCH] fix GTK+ under Windows

Paolo Bonzini-2
The problem was that the under Windows message queues are per-thread.
So, MsgWaitForMultipleObjects has to run in the thread that created the
window (i.e. the VM thread).  Since that is not possible, gst has to
resort to polling.  For 3.2 I'm always going to poll, while in 3.3 I'll
poll while the VM is busy and not while it's idle.

This costs something, but the polling is only taking 2% of CPU on a
Core2 running at 800 MHz (I was in energy-saving mode :-)) under Wine,
so it's probably unnoticeable.  I didn't see noticeable delays in GUI
action, either.  Of course, there's no polling under X11 and Mac OS X.

I haven't tested it under native Windows, but I don't see why it
shouldn't work.

I committed this patch and also the binary package generator for
Windows.  It requires Fedora _and_ Wine, and it's unlikely to work on
any machine but mine, but I'll gladly provide help if anyone wants to
take a look.  Or more likely, I'll gladly provide a pre-built package if
anyone wants to test it.


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