PL2 issues??

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PL2 issues??

Bill Schwab-2
Hi Blair,

These could be absolutely nothing, but I'll mention them just in case:

(1) I've been noticing that CHB method panes have been growing horizontal
scroll bars; it seems to be new???  At worst, it seems harmless, and might
even be by design :)

(2) I started playing around with CreateService() etc., and had reason to
try #getLastError:.  I kept getting 6, and finally tried #setLastError: with
zero as argument, and still got 6.  I have no feel for whether this is new
to the patch.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: PL2 issues??

Blair McGlashan
"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:b1n9l4$14sh59$[hidden email]...
> Hi Blair,
> These could be absolutely nothing, but I'll mention them just in case:
> (1) I've been noticing that CHB method panes have been growing horizontal
> scroll bars; it seems to be new???  At worst, it seems harmless, and might
> even be by design :)

I haven't observed that. Are you perhaps using the browser(s) with word-wrap
disabled and at a fairly low resolution (or small window size)? The maximum
line length used by the formatter is probably longer than we used to use
(irregularly) when formatting methods by hand, in order to take advantage of
the higher resolution displays we have today.

> (2) I started playing around with CreateService() etc., and had reason to
> try #getLastError:.  I kept getting 6, and finally tried #setLastError:
> zero as argument, and still got 6.  I have no feel for whether this is new
> to the patch.

The effect of SetLastError() is only transient. Every call to a Win32 API
may potentially modify its value, and consequently one needs to call it
immediately after the failing API call in order to get the correct error
code, e.g.:

    KernelLibrary default setLastError: 0; getLastError        ==> 0

Since Dolphin has to make Win32 API calls pretty continuously just to
service the message loop (and those APIs may internally call further Win32
functions), you shouldn't expect the results of SetLastError() to persist
from one evaluation to the next.



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Re: PL2 issues??

Bill Schwab-2

> > (1) I've been noticing that CHB method panes have been growing
> > scroll bars; it seems to be new???  At worst, it seems harmless, and
> > even be by design :)
> I haven't observed that. Are you perhaps using the browser(s) with
> disabled and at a fairly low resolution (or small window size)? The
> line length used by the formatter is probably longer than we used to use
> (irregularly) when formatting methods by hand, in order to take advantage
> the higher resolution displays we have today.

This sounds like the code editing pane - I'm talking about the list view
(top right) of method names.

>     KernelLibrary default setLastError: 0; getLastError        ==> 0

That wraps that one up :)  Thanks.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: PL2 issues??

Blair McGlashan
"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:b1ril6$16u1ka$[hidden email]...

> Blair,
> > > (1) I've been noticing that CHB method panes have been growing
> horizontal
> > > scroll bars; it seems to be new???  At worst, it seems harmless, and
> might
> > > even be by design :)
> >
> > I haven't observed that. Are you perhaps using the browser(s) with
> word-wrap
> > disabled and at a fairly low resolution (or small window size)? The
> maximum
> > line length used by the formatter is probably longer than we used to use
> > (irregularly) when formatting methods by hand, in order to take
> of
> > the higher resolution displays we have today.
> This sounds like the code editing pane - I'm talking about the list view
> (top right) of method names.

I haven't observed that either, and it shouldn't be happening. Can you be
more specific, especially with regard to operating system details, version
of IE/common controls, etc?



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Re: PL2 issues??

Bill Schwab-2

> > This sounds like the code editing pane - I'm talking about the list view
> > (top right) of method names.
> >
> I haven't observed that either, and it shouldn't be happening. Can you be
> more specific, especially with regard to operating system details, version
> of IE/common controls, etc?

I noticed it mostly on my win2k machine at home, so I'll gather that info
from it.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]