PUnQLite NB error

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PUnQLite NB error

Bernat Romagosa
Hi list,

I'm trying to get Masashi's PUnQLite package to work in Pharo 4 under Ubuntu, and here's what happens when I try to run the example code:

db := PqDatabase open: 'comments.db'.
db disableAutoCommit.
db transact: [
Object subclasses do: [:cls | | key |
    key := cls asString.
    db at: key put: cls comment ]
db close.

Any idea what can be happening here?

Thanks! :)

Bernat Romagosa.
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Re: PUnQLite NB error

Bernat Romagosa
Ok, forget that! It seems the configuration downloads the unqlite.so library into the wrong path... just moving it to the image folder did the trick.

2015-04-05 11:26 GMT+02:00 Bernat Romagosa <[hidden email]>:
Hi list,

I'm trying to get Masashi's PUnQLite package to work in Pharo 4 under Ubuntu, and here's what happens when I try to run the example code:

db := PqDatabase open: 'comments.db'.
db disableAutoCommit.
db transact: [
Object subclasses do: [:cls | | key |
    key := cls asString.
    db at: key put: cls comment ]
db close.

Any idea what can be happening here?

Thanks! :)

Bernat Romagosa.

Bernat Romagosa.