PUngLite can't query large database

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PUngLite can't query large database


I've managed to create a large database, with PUnqLite, that is 562.1MB.
I can't seem to query it though.
I've set fetchBufferSize: (1024*1024*1023).
I've set SmalltalkImage current vm extraVMMemory: (1024*1024*1023).
I've played around in the info.plist setting the SqueakMaxHeapSize to ridiculous things.
But I keep getting either out of memory or PqFetchError (probably because it can't fit the whole stream into the image?).
This is why I was asking about the JX9 query and running a query like that to only return to the image with results I want.
Any suggestions on how I can handle this?

Latest update: #40611

Operating System/Hardware
Mac OS 1093 intel

Kind Regards
Gareth Cox
IT Manager/Developer
Inspired Org (PTY) Ltd
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Re: PUngLite can't query large database

Paul DeBruicker
Hi Gareth,

Sorry for the stupid question but does your query work on a smaller database, one a tenth the size or so?

Maybe by using a #haltIf: that checks for memory usage growth will show something interesting.


self haltIf:[Smalltalk vm memoryEnd > 100000000]. "100MB"

And then running

Smalltalk reportCPUandRAM

to get a few text files of what's using the RAM & CPU.

Hope this helps


riverdusty wrote

I've managed to create a large database, with PUnqLite, that is 562.1MB.
I can't seem to query it though.
I've set fetchBufferSize: (1024*1024*1023).
I've set SmalltalkImage current vm extraVMMemory: (1024*1024*1023).
I've played around in the info.plist setting the SqueakMaxHeapSize to
ridiculous things.
But I keep getting either out of memory or PqFetchError (probably
because it can't fit the whole stream into the image?).
This is why I was asking about the JX9 query and running a query like
that to only return to the image with results I want.
Any suggestions on how I can handle this?

>     <key>SqueakMaxHeapSize</key>
>     <integer>1073741824</integer>
> Image
> -----
> *****/Pharo4.0.image
> Pharo4.0
> Latest update: #40611
> Unnamed
> Operating System/Hardware
> -------------------------
> Mac OS 1093 intel

Kind Regards
Gareth Cox
IT Manager/Developer
Inspired Org (PTY) Ltd
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Re: PUngLite can't query large database

Hi Paul

Yes, the query works on smaller databases.
I've created quite a few, one of them was 200MB and that worked!
I believe this is some memory/size limit.
I'm curious if there is a suitable way to overcome/override this limit.
I'm working on another project today but I'll try those suggestions perhaps later or tomorrow and get back with the results.

Thanks for the reply and suggestions.